Saturday, December 4, 2010

Case Study 2 - Chimp/Gorilla/Ape Miracle

(AP) The state NAACP is demanding an apology from a former South Carolina official whose Internet posting suggested a gorilla that escaped from the Columbia zoo was an ancestor of first lady Michelle Obama.
NAACP president Lonnie Randolph said Monday that former Election Commission chairman Rusty DePass has not offered a "proper" apology. Randolph says the NAACP isn't giving DePass undue attention, rather decrying racially charged commentary against the Obamas.
Minutes after the gorilla's escape was reported, DePass posted: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

The Facebook posting was captured on a South Carolina politics blog. DePass did not immediately return a call Monday, but he told WIS-TV that the posting was a joke.

Ok, stay with us now, it gets complicated. Sign after sign were put up comparing G.W. to monkeys, gorillas and apes...BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT.

 Here is a good cross-section of images depicting the goof himself.....

It's funny, you see, to make fun of someone conservative and white. (I still can't figure this one out, but oh, well. I am sure that the fine citizens of Libtardia will let us know eventually. Just don't go making any kids toys that happen to look like Obama? and expect not to get the full blown "OUTRAGED" call from the race-baiting members of the black community. (You know, for a bunch of guys and gals that talk a big, tough game...they certainly are thin-skinned, aren't they? - Just sayin'.)
Here is what happens if you try this on one of "their" guys.

Evil Racist Sock Monkey Obama

  Now before you go telling us that there is more to it than simply comparing these two idiots to monkeys, let us tell you that we know that there are certain connotations that may be racist, but sometimes a cigar is really a cigar. Come on now dear inhabitants of Libtardia, as you like to say to us conservatives, "quit being so stuffy and take a joke already".

We guess that now is a good of a time as any to let the readers of this blog know that we are aware that some of these stories are very old. This blog has been in the works for many years now, so we've got a lot of catching up to do and postings to make. Believe us when we say this, there are PLENTY of things that cause mentally deficient liberals to flip out like a spastic and screech "BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT", so we 'aint running out of material anytime soon.

Take care, dear readers, and stay tuned.........

Well Let's Jump Right In Folks

Here we have a prime example of the "But that's different" mentality. Here is a protester in Arizona, apparently protesting the fact that he already doesn't have a: FREE HOUSE, FREE HEALTH CARE, A MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH, TAXPAYER PROVIDED FOOD AND FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER CRIME HE WANTS TO DO.

Now, it doesn't take a graduate of the ivy leagues to notice that his sign has a DIRECT THREAT (not implied). Yet, oddly enough, there wasn't an outcry from the liberals about this OBVIOUSLY hateful, racist, and violence prone individual. Really. It seems no one on the left cares about this rhetoric. I did a search and it seems that the: cops were cool with this guy actually threatening them, liberals agree with this guy's statement, and, as usual, WHITES ARE ALL RACIST for not letting him express his first amendment rights to say whatever drivel he wants to spew.

Let's move on to a SCARY, THREATENING, RACIST snowman: the outcry and see what was done to get this menacing threat removed. HERE

If you read the comments, it becomes instantly obvious that THIS IS DIFFERENT!!!! My seems OK to insult conservatives, especially BLACK conservatives (which we will delve into later) but whatever the hell you do, don't do ANYTHING offensive to the libtards.

Here is the proof:

I know what you may be thinking...this guy got in trouble for doing this...but pass from the commies. Here you go. Here's a quick cap of the facts:

(Reuters) - An effigy of U.S. Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin hanging by a noose as part of a Halloween display drew complaints on Monday, but local officials said the homeowner was covered by free speech rights.
A mannequin dressed to resemble the Alaska governor, with her trademark beehive hairdo and glasses, was hung by the neck from the eaves of the home in famously liberal West Hollywood.
On the roof, a mannequin of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, protruded from the chimney surrounded in flames, holding his head as he was apparently burned alive.
"We have been getting some phone calls this morning complaining about it but if (the homeowner) isn't in violation of municipal code we have no reason to cite them," West Hollywood spokeswoman Helen Goss said.
"People have First Amendment rights (to free speech)," Goss said. "I would speculate that if it's part of a Halloween display then its political satire."
Homeowner Chad Michael Morisette told local KCAL-TV the display should be considered Halloween "art" and said his neighbors would probably be more offended by a similar scene invoking Democrat Barack Obama.
"I know if we had done Barack Obama, people would have probably thrown things through our windows," Morisette said. "The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman for our country, the history of our country."

Yep, BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT. Clearly if you hang a white republican, that's fine, just don't have a snowman holding a noose. That would be racist. Nothing to see here folks, lets move on.

    Now, all of these images should piss you off, if not, there is something wrong with you. However, the purpose of this blog is to chronicle similar actions of those on the left versus those on the right. It will, before many posts, become glaringly obvious that there is a HUGE HYPOCRISY when it comes to "freedom of speech" issues as far as the residents of Libtardia and the MSM are concerned.