Thursday, July 7, 2011

Justice Was Finally Served for 16 year-old Adria Sauceda

Umberto Leal Garcia, A Willing Pawn, As Part Of President Obama’s Shameless Waffle On Immigration!… The Death Penalty Is Appropriate!… End Of Story!… Don’t Mess With Texas!…
HatTip - Chuck Slowe (Read his entire article if you have a chance.)

“Police discovered Adria Sauceda's nude body on a dirt road in San Antonio in May 1994. Evidence showed she had been raped, bitten and strangled. A large stick that had a screw protruding from it was left in her body. Among other evidence, the bite mark was matched to Humberto Leal, an illegal immigrant from Mexico. Her bloody blouse was found at Leal's home. She and Leal had been attending a party not far from where she was found. The murder details were reported this weekend on the Austin report that the girl had been raped, tortured, strangled and her head bashed with a large piece of pavement that was still lying on her arm. The large stick was reported to be protruding from her vagina.

Now we are told that the murderer's rights were not upheld because he wasn't coddled and taken to a Mexican Consulate after this?

He was brought to the USA when he was TWO years of age. What do the liberals want? Dual citizenship for all illegal immigrants they want so badly to (with the stroke of a pen) convert to US citizens?

"Perry's office has said Texas laws had been followed and that Leal would be executed for "the most heinous of crimes"."

Hat tip to the poster Ihaveadream on HuffPo!

PLEASE read these articles. (Here is a link to the article...hyperlink did not work.)